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I truly believe that my job has made me a better man

I have been working for ACI-Safety Services for the past fifteen months. While it is not the easiest job and it has definitely proven to be “work”, I truly believe that my job has made me (and will continue to make me) a better man.

Waking up at 5 AM every day, getting dressed, eating, and then heading in for a hard days-worth of work has given me a purpose for my time here. I have a job that requires me to follow directions, be reliable, be dependable, and to converse with others. All of these are life skills that will benefit me in the future.

I feel that I have been blessed with this job because it is providing me with financial security for my release from prison. As prisoners, it it’s not an easy task to get out, start from scratch, and build a life - especially a positive life. ACI is giving me a head start on release, because I will leave prison with enough money to get me started in the right direction. A big chunk of my restitution will be paid off before I walk out these gates. Knowing that I will have the finances to find a place to live, buy food and clothes, and to focus on finding a productive job and working on my relationships with other, relieves a lot of stress. Even though I am in prison, I am accomplishing so much, and I thank God every day for providing me with my job at ACI-Safety Services.

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