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It has given me a chance to work again at a fast pace, doing a variety of tasks

I have seven months to go, after being behind the fence for over twelve years. I wanted to let you know how my experience at Keefe Warehouse will help me after my release. I have worked most of my life at a variety of jobs, most requiring heavy responsibility. That being said, except for a year or so at the ACI Bakery, (2008-2009, which I considered a real job) I haven’t done much.

All these skills will benefit us for the future

There are many positive things about working at Keefe while incarcerated. First would be the money that we make. Second would be the retention that we are building up gives us a chance to make it when we leave ADC- or to be financially responsible while incarcerated. We can use our retention to help our spouses and children at home with clothing, medical, utilities and bills. Third, it allows us to work as a team player with others that want to do good and better themselves.