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First Award Presented by Newly Formed ACI Employee Awards Committee
Please join us in congratulating Joshua Delgado, Correctional Industries Production Specialist in Florence. Josh was chosen for the ACI Employee of the Quarter for the Second Quarter of FY2018 by the Employee Awards Committee.
Michael McCarville has transferred from the Inspector General’s Office to ACI, as a Regional Operations Manager where he joined our Labor Contracts sector.
Pinal Geology & Mineral Museum Newsletter Highlights New Display Case
The Flagg Mineral Foundation recently purchased a custom built drawer unit for the Museum. The Foundation and Museum staff collaborated with the skilled craftsman in the Arizona Correctional Industries Wood Shop at the Florence Prison to build the custom drawer unit.
Coordinated all aspects of ACI participation and NCIA conference support
Tom Brown
Tom BrownI am very pleased to announce that Tom Brown, Program Project Specialist II in our Phoenix customer service department has been named the ACI, FY 2017 Employee of the Fourth Quarter.